Last weekend Noemi and I traveled out to the eastern part of Slovakia. We were invited by my teammate, Maruska, to come be a part of the Kukova Kecy Club, and we made a weekend of it while we were there. Kukova is the small village where Maruska is from, so we stayed with her family while we were there, and were treated with the most amazing hospitality... which basically means we were fed until we thought we might explode. Or give birth. Or something. It was a lot of food.
Anyhow, Noemi and I felt like we were little kids who had never been in the country before. We were so excited to just be out in the open country, instead of surrounded by buildings like we are in Bratislava. Don't get me wrong, I love BA and can't see myself anywhere else at the moment, but it was good for my spirit to just get out and breath. To be surrounded by God's beauty. To hear only the nature that was surrounding me, instead of the traffic that I'm hearing out of my open window right now.
Overall the trip was really amazing. Traveling 7 hours to get there isn't amazing, and me getting sick (via the incredible hospitality mentioned earlier) wasn't a perk, but I'd do it all over again. I can't wait until my next visit.
Me with the village of Kukova behind me. Yeah, that's about the whole village.
Maruska and I. We basically walked up this hill in our pajamas... one thing you could NEVER do in Bratislava. It was glorious.
These are a few pics from Kecy Club the night before. The topic was on "Identity." Basically how when we put our identity in things apart from Christ, our foundation will always be unstable. I shared a little testimony about something I experienced in high school pertaining to this topic, and also taught the students there a few new phrases in English. It was fun.
Somebody pimped out their blog! What!
miss those places. really cool to see you in kukova :) can't wait to see yaface. get to the atl so you can hang out with me. now.
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